Be sure to eat your protein

Do you have a few extra pounds that you are planning to shed?​​​​​​​If said yes, here are 4 strategies you should avoid.1) Weight loss supplements – Published comprehensive, authoritative reviews on weight loss supplements have shown they are NOT EFFECTIVE. At a minimum you are wasting your money. At the worst you are exposing yourself to potential adverse…

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4 Strategies for Weight Control That Most People Do Not Know

 Get quality sleep (7-8 hours a night). Sleep deprivation quickly disrupts metabolic function and boosts appetite and cravings for risky foods.  Avoid alcohol all together or keep the intake low. Liquid calories are uniquely fattening and alcohol compounds things by driving appetite and loss of self-control around food and disrupting quality sleep. Don't sit for too long-. Sitting continuously for…

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Head Forward Posture

You see it on the street everywhere, especially among people. It's round shoulders and a straining, craning neck.Computer neck I call it. It's an occupational problem of the 21st century, just as cooper's droop or printer's gate were for our great grandparents.You could tell a man was a blacksmith because of the droop in his…

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